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Reducér spildrisiko i laboratoriet
Der findes en række smarte produkter, der hjælper dig med at reducere spildrisikoen, især når det gælder prøvehåndtering, overførsel og opbevaring.

Hvordan kan du reducere risikoen for spild i laboratoriet? Der er nogle sunde tommelfingerregler, du altid kan følge, såsom at sørge for, at du har tilstrækkeligt med sikkerhedsudstyr på, eller at fyldte beholdere er placeret et godt stykke væk fra kanten af din arbejdsstation.

Det er vigtigt at tage spild alvorligt og tage sine forholdsregler, da det kan udgøre en sundheds- eller sikkerhedsrisiko for personalet. Det spildte indhold kan eksempelvis være farligt for personer, der kommer i berøring med indholdet, eller personer der opholder sig i nærheden.

Derudover er der risiko for, at arbejdsflader og gulve kan være blevet glatte, hvilket kan resultere i faldulykker. Vigtigt udstyr kan også være blevet beskadiget, eller værdifuldt indhold kan være udsat for krydskontaminering eller gå tabt.

Herunder finder du 5 eksempler fra DWK Life Sciences, der kan hjælpe med at reducere spild i dit eget laboratorium.

Du kan finde flere gode råd til, hvordan du øger sikkerheden i laboratoriet her.

DURAN® silikonelåg

De fleste kender til udfordringen med at forsegle bægerglas og glas kolber med folie, forseglingsfilm, propper eller lignende i mangel på et tilhørende låg.

Heldigvis er du muligt at bestille de strækbare og genanvendelige DURAN® silikonelåg, der slutter helt tæt om åbningen og derved reducerer spildrisiko.

Derudover kan lågene være med til at reducere brugen af engangsfilm, ligesom de findes en en række iøjnefaldende farver, der kan bruges til farvekodning og hurtigt identifikation af indholdet.

SITL Silicone Lids

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Plastcoatede DURAN® PROTECT flasker

Borosilicate glass bottles are a common feature of most laboratories, providing a virtually inert material that can be used to safely store and protect contents from contamination. But even despite the relative strength of this glass type, a bottle that is knocked, especially from the height of a work bench, can easily shatter, resulting in broken glass and spilled contents.

DWK's range of plastic coated glassware avoids this by providing an external safety coating that can be used to protect both the user and contents from accidental spillages.

SITL Plastic Coated Glassware

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DURAN® bæresele

The contents of large volume bottles can be easily spilled, especially if they are being used to transport samples from the field to a lab for analysis, or when they are being moved around a lab itself.

The DURAN® Bottle Carrying System can be used to reduce this risk. The system includes a collar that is only removable by cutting, ensuring attachment is 100% secure in use and the side handles make pouring more controllable and safer, ensuring the risk of spillage is reduced.

DURAN Bottle Carrying System

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AZLON® sprøjteflasker med DripLok®

Wash bottles are used to store many of the typical cleaning solutions used in laboratories, such as Ethanol, Methanol and Acetone. However, storing these solutions in standard bottles can lead to solvent drips, which are caused by pressure build up within the container itself. Our range of AZLON® Safety Venting Wash Bottles avoid this problem, thanks to the patented DripLok® vapour venting valve, which ensures a safe release of pressure from within the wash bottle, thus reducing the risk of solvent drips on work surfaces and surrounding areas.

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DURAN® HPLC flasker med konisk bund

During a typical HPLC process, it is a common wish to ensure every last drop of the solvent from the mobile phase is captured. As a result, it is not unusual for those involved in the process to slightly tip or angle the bottle containing the solvent to allow the maximum volume to be extracted. However, this practice is risky and can result in the spillage of expensive and potentially hazardous organics.

A safer alternative is the use of the DURAN® HPLC Conical Base Reservoirs. The fully enclosed system drastically reduces the risk of spillages while also reducing extraction time and overall solvent consumption.

HPLC Resevoirs

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